Reflections of BRITT LANDRUM III
LandrumHR President and CEO
Dad’s legacy has much to do with what sets us apart. What I most respect about his legacy as pertains to the business–is the family atmosphere we have as a company. Most people say to me in orientations, even to this day, “I just feel appreciated here, and valued.”
“Mr. L,” as I referred to Dad as my boss, would never take credit for something someone else did. I’ve seen that happen many times. You just can’t replace that. Also, Dad’s wisdom–it is something I will always aspire to have. Whether it be a spreadsheet, or a law, or a sales situation, he could figure it out and find a solution. Often times I sat in amazement like, “How did you know that?” A lot of that comes with experience, I know, but you’ve got to be pretty smart and creative to work through the difficult situations you face along the way.
Preparing to take the reins from Dad as President then CEO came from lots of individual experiences with him and with other people. It came from the interactions and practical advice on how to deal with issues and opportunities. I would strongly encourage anyone transitioning to lead a family-owned business to seek out mentors. The turning point for me was when I stopped trying to be like Dad and instead tried to be the best version of me I could be. I had to focus on what I’m good at. Sperduto helped me with that.
Although Dad was thrifty, he was willing to spend money where it made sense. He made a significant investment in bringing in third party expertise to help with leadership development and with succession planning when we needed an independent point of view. Because of “Mr. L’s” willingness to invest in the company, it has now afforded us a lot more opportunities to grow and diversify.