Advantages of HR Outsourcing Services
There are many different reasons our customers look to HR outsourcing. Primarily, they have found that it saves them money, especially in the long run. Working with LandrumHR allows your employees to concentrate on the job they were hired to do, and not have to worry if their Human Resources concerns are being met. HR is a demanding industry, with rigid requirements and several laws and regulations to worry about. By choosing LandrumHR’s Sarasota HR outsourcing, you will find that we are not only extremely accurate, but are also compliant with all local, state and federal laws regarding your employees. Your representative will be an expert in the field and will make sure you are legally compliant. Even if you have a small business, outsourcing your HR is a profitable idea. The fact is, if you have more than one employee on your staff, outsourcing your Human Resources department will benefit your company.
There are many different Sarasota HR outsourcing companies in operation, and perhaps you have even tried one or two of them. LandrumHR sets itself apart from its competitors with not just amazing customer service, but with over four decades of experience in the field.
You will rest easy knowing your employees are well taken care of when you work with LandrumHR for your Sarasota HR outsourcing. While many larger companies, companies with over one hundred employees, generally have their own dedicated HR department, many small businesses have no one, or rely on one person, to act as the sole Human Resources agent. It is not uncommon for that one person to be overwhelmed, even if they are hardworking and experienced. This is the number one reason human resources can suffer in a small business.
If you own one of those companies that has one person handle all of your Sarasota human resource services, consider this: What will happen if that employee becomes ill? Or if they wish to take a vacation? What backup plans are in place to make sure your HR needs are taken care of?
If you were to outsource to LandrumHR, you will not have to rely on that one person always being there to handle everything for you. Your Sarasota HR outsourcing needs will be taken care of by an entire staff of knowledgeable and qualified personnel.
Benefits from Outsourcing Your Human Resources
Still not convinced? Maybe your HR employee is extremely reliable and you have a solid backup plan in place. This is a great start. However, your ultimate goal is probably to grow your business into a larger corporation. As your business continues to grow, you will need more employees. This means more paperwork, more regulations, more payroll, more benefits, and more reasons why a single HR employee just will not work in the long run. One mistake could cost your company dearly in legal fees and potential tax penalties. You need to make sure you have someone that is dedicated to ensuring you will not have these problems. A Sarasota human resource services firm like LandrumHR can do all of this for you, even as your company continues to grow. It is more important in the long run to make sure you are legally compliant, then to have to worry about it later.
The fact remains that small businesses benefit the most from outsourcing there Human Resources department to qualified professionals. Often you can save money by outsourcing, then even hiring one employee to handle it for you. Along with the other benefits with choosing LandrumHR, we can also group you together with our other customers to purchase insurance and provide benefits to your staff. The larger the group purchasing insurance, the cheaper it becomes per person. We will be able to provide you all of the benefits required, with minimal cost to both you and your employees. We will handle the services in-house, and can even explain to your staff exactly what they are receiving. The best part though, is that we can customize those packages to your company. You will be receiving exactly the benefits you need, at a very affordable rate.
Using LandrumHR to Outsource Benefits
If you are still on the fence, contact one of our LandrumHR offices and speak to a representative to find out exactly what we can do for you, and how much it will cost you. You may be surprised at the benefits you can receive, without having to break your budget.
Our Sarasota HR services are accurate, legally compliant, and employee friendly, without compromising your company’s goals and bottom line. It is absolutely a win-win situation for everyone involved. You will save time and money, your employees will be happy with the service and benefits package they are given, and the overall morale will increase.
For more information concerning our Sarasota outsourcing services, please give us a call at (800) 888-0472.
We also offer HR Outsourcing services for most states through our other offices located in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City, Columbia SC, and Asheville, NC.