Untitled-design-(9).pngWith the heat of summer upon us, it is imperative to keep all employees safe from heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion or the most serious, heat stroke. Taking breaks, moving to a cooler environment, and staying hydrated with both water and drinks containing electrolytes can be helpful in preventing heat-related illnesses. This is especially important for those employees working outdoors or indoors at a facility with limited or no air-conditioning.  When an employee suffers a heat-related illness, what are your responsibilities as the employer for recording and reporting the incident?

Is it Recordable? If the employee was only given fluids for relief of symptoms of a heat-related illness, and no other treatment, then this would NOT be considered a recordable injury. This constitutes first aid.  However, if the level of care requires medical attention at a medical facility, please notify LandrumHR immediately at (850) 476-5100 so we can authorize and direct medical treatment and the injury will be recorded. OSHA’s definition of a recordable incident - is an injury or illness results in death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness. 

Is it Recordable and Reportable? If the employee was taken for treatment for heat, given IV fluids, resulting in an inpatient hospitalization, the incident then becomes a recordable and reportable incident and must be reported to LandrumHR, then reported to OSHA within a specific time frame by calling 800-321-6742 or reporting online at https://www.osha.gov/pls/ser/serform.html.  This incident must be listed on your OSHA log and OSHA must be notified.

Important Heat-Related Resources

  • Do you know how to recognize when you or your employees are dehydrated?  Check out this helpful urine and hydration color chart to understand what to look for.
  • When an employee is suffering from a heat-related illness, do you know how to recognize the symptoms and what First-Aid treatment should be administered?  If not, check out this helpful chart from OSHA to guide you in determining symptoms and treatment options for a heat-related illness.

Please report all incidents to LandrumHR to ensure proper recording and reporting. If you have any questions regarding this topic, please reach out to our Risk Management Department. We have a full team of professionals to assist you at 850-476-5100 or safety@landrumhr.com.