We have been in business for over 40 years and we are able to handle everything from a full-scale HR operation for your business to smaller services that you may require, such as payroll, risk management, or benefits administration. If it involves human resources, we can do it all.
At LandrumHR, we know how busy you are as a business owner. Many businesses, particularly small to medium-sized businesses, do not have the time for certain tasks. The need for those tasks, however, does not go away when a business does not have the resources to address them. It is best to take care of them in the most cost-effective manner possible. Why not leave it to the experts?
As your company grows, you will need to outsource some of your tasks. Choose from our Panama City HR outsourcing solutions, to free you and your staff to focus on growing and steering your business.
It does not matter what your reason is for using our Panama City human resource services. You may have one specific issue or many. One of the most popular benefits of using LandrumHR human resource services is a reduction in costs. You will find that our services are not only affordable but also more cost-effective than going it alone. Our years of experience and expertise can be yours from day one.
Advantages of Outsourcing your HR
Did you know that smaller companies benefit most from outsourcing their HR? You may have been thinking that your company is too small to even bother with an HR department. Unless you are running a one-person business, note that every business can benefit from HR outsourcing.
Panama City HR outsourcing companies are out there. Maybe you have tried one and have been disappointed. LandrumHR, however, offers not only expertise, but impeccable customer service. Together, we will find the solution that is right for your business.
With LandrumHR to administer your Panama City HR outsourcing, you can get the most from your employees. Larger companies, with over one hundred employees or more, often have an entire department dedicated to their human resources. Smaller companies, frequently delegate that need to one person only. Often, this individual can be overwhelmed, no matter how capable they are. This is one reason that HR suffers in so many small businesses.
Say you have just one person taking care of your Panama City business’s human resource services. What happens when they are on vacation or sick? What backup plan do you have in place for those eventualities?
Now consider having a company like LandrumHR administering all of the Panama City HR outsourcing needs. LandrumHR brings so much more to your HR department than just a pair of hands. Through outsourcing, you can make the most of a wider range of services, as well as cost reductions. What could be better?
You may have a business in which there is currently no HR department and no member of HR staff. As your company continues to grow, you are likely to encounter the need for more employees, more paperwork, and more regulations. Someone needs to keep track of this to make sure that your business continues to operate smoothly and legally. Rather than give this responsibility to a chosen employee, or taking it on yourself, you could outsource professional HR services to make sure that you are covered in every department. A Panama City human resource services firm such as LandrumHR can track your company benefits, ensure that your staff is safeguarded, and much more.
Benefit from Panama City’s Qualified Human Resources
By hiring the HR team from LandrumHR, you will be guaranteeing yourself and your company the best in human resources. Just think about all of the areas of your business that need to meet state or federal regulations and must be kept organized and available for anyone who inquires. If you are in business for yourself, one of the things you do not want to be without is a good Panama City HR resource services firm at your side.
Small companies will see significant benefits from outsourcing their HR services. Middle or larger companies very often see a real cost benefit to outsourcing many of their departments. It just makes sense.
If you would rather not outsource your entire HR division, many businesses outsource a segment of their HR needs. Even if you are happy with your in-house HR, you may be surprised by how much room there is for improvement. Your staff, your HR department, and your bottom line will thank you.
If you would rather maintain your Panama City HR outsourcing department, think about giving over one or two services to a company such as LandrumHR. Perhaps your payroll or benefits would be better served by being outsourced. Look at the time that you have saved now, time that your employees could be doing other more advantageous things during the workday. The routine task of outsourcing payroll is often cost-effective for small and medium-sized businesses.
Using LandrumHR to Outsource Benefits
Panama City HR human resource services should also include the field of benefits administration. Often, a company believes itself too small to outsource any aspect of their company. Outsourcing benefits administration, however, will not only save your company money in the long run, but it will give you the peace of mind of knowing that your benefits administration is done right the first time.
Good businesses always take advantage of leveraging what they can. Panama City HR outsourcing companies are not all the same. At LandrumHR, benefit plans can include health, dental, vision, and retirement plans. All aspects of our benefit plans are carried out by LandrumHR, not by your company. You can be assured that everything is done according to state and federal regulations.
For unemployment benefits, we are there for you as well. At LandrumHR, we work with other companies all the time, filing appeals, processing claims, and reviewing administrative tasks from other unemployment agencies.
Outsourcing Goes Hand-in-Hand with Your Company
Do yourself and your company the biggest favor you can today, and partner with the expert in all areas of Panama City human resource services. Do not waste another minute of your day.
For more information concerning our Panama City outsourcing services, please give us a call at (800) 888-0472.
We also offer HR Outsourcing services for most states through our other offices located in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, Sarasota, Columbia, SC and Asheville, NC.