Dear Alli: Confessions of an HR Director by LandrumHR, on September 14, 2021 Dear Alli, I am an HR Director at an information technology company in Pensacola, Florida. I am writing to share the challenges I’ve been experiencing since the start of the pandemic and hopefully get some advice. I am tired of COVID-19 and the implications it’s had on the daily functions of the company. I know it’s important to remain in compliance with all the new laws, but it has been cumbersome to stay up-to-date on the latest federal and state regulations because they always seem to be changing. It goes without saying that there are increased risks for employee safety since most have returned to working on-site again. I am tired of managing employee and HIPAA issues and I just don’t have the time to fit them into my work schedule on top of everything else I am now responsible for due to COVID-19. We have many vacant positions after having to layoff workers to cut costs during the height of the pandemic. Now in today’s labor market, or lack-there-of, my recruiting team is struggling to find quality candidates that have the skills and experience needed for our job openings. The team and I have been tasked with identifying ways to attract and retain key hires. The recruiting and onboarding teams are constantly inquiring what is OK to ask and require when it comes to coronavirus testing and vaccines and I am always second guessing my answers. Can you help? – Sincerely, Overworked and Understaffed in Pensacola Dear Overworked and Understaffed in Florida, First, I want to let you know you're not alone in how you're feeling. Increased job responsibilities and stress are common right now because of the dynamic you described of reduced staff and difficulty hiring. Have you heard of a professional employer organization (PEO)? A PEO helps you understand the most recent employment laws in the current COVID-19 environment and beyond. PEO's provide risk management services and safety training to mitigate potential safety issues. They also help you attract top talent with in-demand, Fortune 500-caliber benefits offerings. Other administrative services typically include payroll and tax processing, health and retirement benefits, and unemployment. I’ve heard great things about LandrumHR. Check it out and let me know how it goes. I would love to get your feedback after you’ve connected with them. - Alli LandrumHR As a second-generation, family-owned company, in business for more than 50 years, LandrumHR is proud to be a dedicated HR partner to support local business needs. Our breadth of services allows us to create innovative HR strategies that makes the business of people easier. Our integrated HR solutions are provided by our people, our one-on-one relationships, and technology. Our mission is to work together to enrich lives by building personal relationships that are centered around trust. View more blogs by LandrumHR 0 Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccines and Protecting Employees The Contract to Hire Experience