LandrumHR, an Asheville Human Resources Consulting Firm
We will work with you to analyze how your HR department can be improved, and what it will take to reach those goals. Not only will we make sure your business is compliant with local, state, and federal law, we will also see what areas can be expanded, or contracted, as well as finding any gaps that may exist.
Furthermore, LandrumHR will explore possibilities of creating a new employee handbook that is legally compliant, adding stronger employee policies, and detailing the proper job descriptions for your employees, adding a level of professionalism to your business. Our team will then make sure all Human Resource practices are understood by all employees, so they can maximize their benefits.
This equates to happier employees and greater morale within your company. LandrumHR consultant will be on-call to handle any HR problems you may encounter in your day-to-day operations, so you will not have to worry about running into that particular problem in the future.
Benefits of Hiring an Asheville HR Consultant
Most companies have some sort of Human Resources department, even if it is a single person within the company, that handles HR responsibilities. Some smaller companies may not even have a HR department to speak of, claiming that it is too expensive, and therefore leaving themselves open to possible lawsuits in the future because of improper practices. If this sounds like your business, you can see how not having an HR department can be a real detriment. The last thing you need is poor employee morale bringing your company down.
This can all be avoided however, if you choose to utilize an Asheville HR consulting firm. Everyone at all levels of your business, including yourself, will be happy that you did. By customizing a package that meets the exact needs of your business, everyone will be satisfied and feel that they are being taken care of by their employer.
The first thing that you will notice is that LandrumHR will provide you with an on-call HR consultant, which is something that most companies are not used to. No matter how small or big your question might be, our consultant is here to help you and give you the information you need to find a solution to your problem. Our experience as one of the leading Asheville Human Resources consulting firms will provide you with an HR manager that is up-to-date on employment law, and will save you both time and money in the long run. Not to mention, you and your employees will be free to concentrate on continuing to grow your business.
Your Asheville HR consultant will be able to help you with employee problems as well. They will know exactly what to look for and how to develop employee organization, morale, and motivation. These solutions will not be a “band-aid”, but a long-term solution that have been tried and tested over the years to be the optimal way to handle an employee conflict.
Another benefit of using an Asheville Human Resourcing consulting firm is that we can analyze your employees and find out which ones are the best fit for your business. Unfortunately, some companies may find that certain employees are not working out the way that they were hoping. LandrumHR has experience in this area, and knows how to deal with this situation in a quiet and professional manner, even if it requires dismissing an employee from their duties. If a lesser form of discipline is all that is required, we will do it in a professional manner that also legally protects you from potential litigation.
A Custom HR Solution for You
Chances are you have done quite a bit of research on firms providing Human Resources consulting in Asheville, and you have quickly concluded they are not all the same. To go along with that, we at LandrumHR know that not all of our clients are the same. There are many different policies and practices that work within the field of Human Resources, but not all of them work with every company. You do not have to worry though, as we will customize a plan that fits the needs of your company and its employees.
The best way to figure out exactly which policy is best for you is to first assess your companies situation as a whole, even if you do not have an existing Human Resources department. By doing this first, we can see any major problems that are evident and take care of them immediately. The next thing that will happen when you use our Asheville HR consulting services is that we will go deeper into how your HR department is managed. We can then implement a more streamlined approach you will be able to use, even if you do not continue working with us, or want to build your own department from within.
Next, we can look at more of the details that may cause problems for your company big or small. Once all of that is taken care of, we will put together a fully customized package highlighting what areas need to be tweaked, changed, scrapped, or implemented in order to make sure that your HR department is top notch and working to help your employees. Once that is complete, you can continue to work with us and allow us to run your HR department, or you can create one of your own. Either way you will be assured that it is running as smooth and legally compliant as it possibly can be.
Whether you are looking to outsource your entire Human Resources department, or are just concerned your current one is not operating the way it should, consider hiring a LandrumHR consultant to ensure that your company is operating efficiently and successfully. We guarantee that after you utilize our services you will see an increase in morale, reputation, and most importantly your profit margin.
We offer HR consulting services in most states from our offices in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City, Sarasota, and Columbia, SC.